Zany Golf
To get to the secret level,
make it to the last
level (energy).
There is a mouse hole where two eyes appear occasionally.
When the eyes turn red, putt the ball into the hole to warp
to the secret level, 'Mystery'.
To get unlimited strokes:
S100 FFFF 8A 84 F4 59 3C 01 F5
down ZZZZ
CMP 01
MOV [SI+ZZZZ],AL ~G ZZZZ is obtained from above
This provides unlimited
strokes WITHOUT affecting total
scoring. Therefore, if you do hit the ball 49 times on
the energy hole, it shows up on your score card
Zapitalism Deluxe
Cheat Codes
To activate a cheat, enter its corresponding code at
the appropriate menu.
Effect Menu Code
Purchase a product at random Royal Wholesaler [Ctrl] + B
Random construction cost Edifice Construction [Ctrl] + C
Random insurance premiums Quagmire Insurance [Ctrl] + Q
Random vacation package* Travel Options [Ctrl] + T G r Z
* Enabling cheat commits players to buy at said price.
The Quagmire Cheat
While inside the Quagmire Insurance menu, you can
press Ctrl-Q. This will randomly generate a new
price. We recommend using this cheat if the original
insurance price is high. In this case, there is a
high probability that you will save some zables.
However, if the price of insurance is already low,
we don't recommend using this cheat button. It just
may backfire on you.
The Travelers Cheat
------------------- G G
While inside the Travel Options menu, you can press
Ctrl-T to randomly generate a new selection of travel
times and costs. This may allow you to travel to a
better location at a lower price. However, it's a
gamble because by pressing Ctrl-T, you are committing
yourself to a journey, and if you don't like the new
travel times and costs, you're stuck.
The Construction Cheat
While inside the Edifice Construction menu, you can
press Ctrl-C. Thi G G s will randomly generate a new
construction cost. We recommend using this cheat if
the original cost of construction is high. In this
case, there is a high probability that you will save
some zables. However, if the cost of construction is
already low, we don't recommend using this cheat button.
It just may backfire on you.
The Royal Cheat
While inside the Royal Wholesaler menu, you can press
Ctrl-B to buy a random product. You should only use this G
cheat if there is nothing else to buy and you want to try
your luck at purchasing a completely random product.
Sometimes this will pay off and other times you'll get stuck
with worthless goods.
Press Q + U + T + [Enter]
during game play to
enable cheat mode.
Then, press one of the following
keys to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Code Effect
D - Toggle auto-pilot
L - Extra life
F - Refuel
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the cheat function.
Result Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
In options.cfg Change:
0000000 32 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0000010 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
Zeddas - Servant of Sheol
Getting Started
Explore and get used to the castle layout, including the
second floor. At the beginning of the game, the most important
areas are the chapel
and the library. Read the books, take notes and copy the pictures;
they contain explicit hints for puzzles. Grab the pages from the
of the book, and take them each (one by one) to the witch in the
chapel for some general hints.
o Don't worry about the courtyard well and the G G $ door behind it;
the well's use will become apparent later.
o Inside the castle, you will pass between two doors you can't
open. Leave them alone for now.
o Find the fireplace on the ground floor and set fire to it
with the Eternal Light (candle).
o In the upstairs dining hall, talk to Valkuria (the general in
the painting).
Getting the Ring and Freeing Valkuria
In a book in the library is a picture of the ring Valkuria
needs. The picture is surrounde G G $ d by a knife and fork...
The cutlery indicates food...
Food is found in a kitchen...
Have you found anything out-of-the ordinary in the kitchen?
Returning from the second floor, if you turn to the kitchen
table you will see a scroll materialize. Click on the scroll
and you'll activate a trap. You have to click on the pots and
pans that fly towards you.
If you miss too many you die; if you hit enough you'll uncover
the ring.
Once you have the ring,
give it G G $ to Valkuria and follow her
Getting the Light of Strength
(Copper skull)
Read the book with on its cover - have you seen something
similar to these shields in your exploration?
>From the second floor
stairwell, turn right and enter the
room with
three shields. To move a sword to a new position, click and
drag it
over another sword, then hold it there until it clicks into
The swords hanging on the shield consist of th G G $ ree pairs: two
long-swords (straight blade), rapiers (thin blade) and sabers
(curved blade)You need to move each pair of swords to the
appropriate shield. The book in the library comes in helpful
Move both longswords to the shield with this insignia:
Move both rapiers to the shield with this insignia:
Move both sabers to the shield with this insignia:
Getting the Mars key
Look through the book with G G $ on its cover. You'll see a
chandelier - have you seen something similar in your
Take the page of this book to the witch to get it translated.
On the second floor, go through the dining hall to a smaller room.
Turn left and take a step forward. Turn right and you'll see a
threepronged candle holder float across the room.
Set fire to the candle holder with your candle.
Exploring the Bell Tower
From the castle entrance,
unlock G G $ the left door with the Mars key.
There are four floors to the tower. A book in the library provides
some hints about solving the puzzles in this area.
Level One
Click on the fountain heads to reveal six buttons. They should
look familiar from the book in the library.
Which ones to push? Take a closer look at the book in the library.
Are some marked a particular way?
Click these three buttons:
\|/ |\ /|\
/|\ \| |
Level Two
Around G G $ the pot seem to be all the ingredients for some sort of
brew. But explore this room thoroughly...
The ingredients should look familiar from the library - have you
tried dragging them into the pot?
There's a hard way of solving
this puzzle and an easy way. You
could try each recipe, one after the other. One of them's bound
to work...
Have you noticed that each recipe in the book is marked a certain
way? Take a closer look around the room. Maybe somebody's left G G $ a
hint somewhere...
On a wall near the entrance is this sign:
o o
Go to the library. Search the books for a recipe marked with the
above sign. Put the ingredients from that recipe into the pot.
Level Three
Go to the desk with the tarot cards, and play around with them for
awhile... Looks like you had to copy down all those pictures from the
book in the library.
Once you've uncovered all the cards, and know their positions G G $ , then
you can solve this one.
The two pages in the library book are two separate hints.
You have to uncover the cards twice.
Once you know where the cards are, uncover in order: the top left, top
right and bottom cards depicted on the left page of the book. This
will give you the key to unlock the door to the dungeon.
The cards will then be shuffled.
After you've uncovered all the cards
again to find where they are, click on the top left, top right and
bot G G $ tom cards from the right page in the book.
Level Four
A hint to solve this puzzle is found in the library book. Take the
page to the witch for another hint.
Tried ringing the bell? Just once...?
Ring the bell thirteen times. Then hold the candle to it.
Voila: the silver skull.
The Dungeons
Throughout the dungeons are wandering goblins and demons, all of whom
will kill you upon sight unless you have the ring (located in the
kitchen). Drag the rin G G $ g over the monsters to banish them.
Dungeon Maps
# door
< Enter level
> Down a level
* Secret door
._._._. ._._._._. ._.
|.._..| |.._._._| |.|
|.| |.| |.|_._._. ._._|*|
|.|_|.| |.._._.<| |_._..|
|.._..#1#.|#3_._._.4 |.|
|.| |.|_|...._._..#_._|.|
|.|_|.._._..| |.._._._|
|>._..#2 2#.|_._|.|5
|.| |.._._..#_._._.
._._|.| |.| |.._._..|
|.._..|_._|.| |.|_._|.|
|.|_|.|_._..#7 |_._._._|
|_._._| |_|
1 C G G $ rossbow Practice
2 Combat Training
3 Garden
4 Insects and spiders
5 Suits of Armor
6 Beam (transport to well in castle keep)
7 Cemetery
|H * 9 |
|_ |__|__|_ |__|__|_ |__|__|_ |__|_ |
| | | | 5# X | | | | |
|_ | |_ | |_ |__|__. |_ | |_ |
| | | | | | | | | |
|_ | |_ | |__|__|_ | |_ |__|_*|
| | | | 3 | | | |
|_ | |_ |__._#. G G $ |_ | |_#|__|_ |
| | 4# | | | 6 | |
|_ |__.__|__|__|_ |__|_ |__.__.__|_ |
|X O * O |
|__|__|__|__|__|_ |__|_ |__|__|__|__|
1# | | | 8 X |
.__. |_ |__|_#|__|_ |_ |__|__|__|
|< | | | | 2| | |
|_ | |_ | |X_ _ |__|_#|__|__|_ |
| | | | | | 7 | |
|_ |__.__|_ | |_ |__.__.__.__|_ |
| | | | | | H |
|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|
G G $
1 Torture Room
2 Gando's Room
3 Harem (Teleport to castle well)
4 Jail
5 Domina's Room
6 Witch's Head
7 Goblin
8 Rachel's Room
9 Beam to Dungeon Level One
X Clue
O Chain
H Ladder down to cart
Dungeon Level One
Nothing essential to completing
your quest on this level. Lots of
nice animations to be found, including a crossbow-shooting arcade
Dungeon Level Two
The scantily-clad temptresses on this level are almost all BAD
NEWS. The one exception to this G G $ is Domina... look for her bedroom.
Locate Gando and the Witch's head for some useful hints. A step-
ladder takes you down to the mining cart, which will transport you
to the opposite corner of the maze. In two places on this dungeon
level you will find a chain hanging from the wall. Pull the chain
to open a trapdoor; you will fall to the third dungeon level.
Getting the Light of Wisdom (gold skull)
It's locked in a cell in
the jail - to get the combination you
need t G G $ o explore the level thoroughly for clues. The four signs
you need are patched to walls throughout the dungeon level.
The combination for the cell door lock is:
\/ o |> |\
/\ | |> | |
Getting the Saturn key
Talk to Domina in her bedroom.
If you answer her questions correctly,
she will move from the fireplace, revealing the key.
Dungeon Level Three
Tavern: Talk to the gnome and the maudlin drunken knight for some
You need to inser G G $ t the three skulls into the recesses to open a secret
door. The underground water channel will drain, allowing you to enter
the lower level. You will need to have the key in your possession.
Killing Zeddas
Once you have the ring and all the keys and skulls, visit the witch's
head. Listen carefully to what she has to say about Zeddas.
The demon guard can be banished with the ring. Once you've entered the
cell where Zeddas lies, you will need to use the Eagran G $ sword to kill
Wield the sword and drag
it over the demon's face. You will here a
thud every time the sword makes contact...
There are two endings to the game. To kill Zeddas, instead of merely
driving him away, you need to follow the witch head's advice.
Direct all your attacks at the blue eye of Zeddas. Slice at it from
all angles.
Submitted by: Shrinath
Press ctrlZ at the starting of the game and you'll
find the different levels and you can choose one!!!
Zelda Classic
Meaning that if the quest
designer didn't add any,
there aren't any. However if you wish to use cheats
in the original 1st quest. Load up Example1st in ZQuest
and add them in yourself. The Example 1st quest is exactly
the same as 1st.qst, except no password.
The offsets listed are in each saved game file and are constant
for all.
*All values are listed in decimal!
Num. Variable name OFFSET LENGTH RANGE
1 Gold Carried 134 2 bytes
0 thru 65,535
*Note: You can have more than 65,535 gold, but the first
hex digit is located at 133.
2 Account Balance 137 2
bytes 0 thru 65,535
*Note: You can have more than 65,535 in your account, but the
first hex digit is located at 136.
3 Almas 139 2 bytes G <G
^ 0 thru 65,535
4 Life Force (Current) 144 2 bytes 0 thru 65,535
5 Sword # (1-6) 146 1 byte 0 thru 255
1. Training Sword
2. Wise Man''s Sword
3. Spirit Sword
4. Knight''s Sword
5. Illumination Sword
6. Enchantment Sword
*Values over six cause some pretty funky results,
from having no sword, to being able to destroy half of the
monsters on the board.
6 Shield # (1-6) 147 1 byte
0 thru 255
1. Clay Shield
2. Wise Man''s Shield
3. Stone Shield
4. Honor Shield
5. Light SG3/4G ^ hield
6. Titanium Shield
7 Shield Power (Left) 148
2 bytes 0 thru 65,535
8 Shield Power (Total) 150 2 bytes 0 thru 65,535
9 Keys 152 1 byte 0 thru 255
10 Lion''s Head Keys 153 1 byte 0 thru 255
11 Spikey Thing ? (0 or 255) 154 1 byte 0 thru 255
*I have no idea what this is for.
12 Crest of Glory (0 or
255) 155 1 byte 0 thru 255
13 Hero''s Crest (0 or 255) 156 1 byte 0 thru 255
*This cheat doesn''t seem to fool the guard at the gate.
14 Magic (Selected) 157
1 byte 0 t G G ^ hru 255
15 Shoes/Cape (Selected) 158 1 byte 0 thru 255
16 Jewels 160 1 byte 0 thru 255
*Be careful how you change this. Some values can crash the game.
17 Shoes/Cape 1 (1-5) 161
1 byte 0 thru 255
18 Shoes/Cape 2 (1-5) 162 1 byte 0 thru 255
19 Shoes/Cape 3 (1-5) 163 1 byte 0 thru 255
20 Shoes/Cape 4 (1-5) 164 1 byte 0 thru 25521 Shoes/Cape 5 (1-5) 165 1 byte
0 thru 255
1. Feruza Shoes (JUMP HIGHER)
2. Pirika Shoes (WALK ON SPIKES, FIRE, ETC.)
3. Silkarn Shoes (CLIMB SLOP G G ^ ES)
4. Ruzeria Shoes (NO SLIPPING ON ICE)
5. Asbestos Cape (LIVE IN FIRE)
22 Inventory 1 (1-8) 166
1 byte 0 thru 255
23 Inventory 2 (1-8) 167 1 byte 0 thru 255
24 Inventory 3 (1-8) 168 1 byte 0 thru 255
25 Inventory 4 (1-8) 169 1 byte 0 thru 255
26 Inventory 5 (1-8) 170 1 byte 0 thru 255
1. Ken''ko Potion
2. Ju''en Fruit
3. Elixir of Kashi
4. Chikara Powder
5. Magia Stone
6. Holy Water of Acero
8. Sabre Oil
9. Kioku Feather
27 Espada (Left) 171 1 byte
0 thru 255
G G ^ 28 Saeta (Left) 172 1 byte 0 thru 255
29 Fuego (Left) 173 1 byte 0 thru 255
30 Lanzar (Left) 174 1 byte 0 thru 255
31 Rascar (Left) 175 1 byte 0 thru 255
32 Agua (Left) 176 1 byte 0 thru 255
33 Guerra (Left) 177 1 byte 0 thru 255
34 Life Force (Total: 0-800) 178 2 bytes 0 thru 65,535
35 Espada (Total) 180 1 byte 0 thru 255
36 Saeta (Total) 181 1 byte 0 thru 255
37 Fuego (Total) 182 1 byte 0 thru 255
38 Lanzar (Total) 183 1 byte 0 thru 255
39 Rascar (Total) 184 1 byte 0 thr G G ^ u 255
40 Agua (Total) 185 1 byte 0 thru 255
41 Guerra (Total) 186 1 byte 0 thru 255
42 Espada (Activate w/ 255) 187 1 byte 0 thru 255
43 Saeta (Activate w/ 255) 188 1 byte 0 thru 255
44 Fuego (Activate w/ 255) 189 1 byte 0 thru 255
45 Lanzar (Activate w/ 255) 190 1 byte 0 thru 255
46 Rascar (Activate w/ 255) 191 1 byte 0 thru 255
47 Agua (Activate w/ 255) 192 1 byte 0 thru 255
48 Guerra (Activate w/ 255) 193 1 byte 0 thru 255
1) Crack on Money =Offs. 452 Hex
2) Crack on Sience =Offs. 471 Hex
3) Building time chance =Offs. 465 and 466 Hex
4) Move Location =Offs. 485 and 47B Hex
5) New Type of Airship =Offs. 4A2 Hex
6) Higher the crew =Offs. 4A8 Hex
7) Higher Airship Speed =Offs. 4AA Hex
8) Higher Max Passagers. =Offs. 4AC Hex
9) Higher Max Freight Capacity =Offs. 4AE Hex
1) Place 7F to have 2.132.706.432,00. (If you do 8F,
it will turn negative.)
2) Place 7F to have 127% sience on your next ship.
3) Place 01 00 to have no time on next ship buld time.
(Do !NOT! Place 00 00.)
4) Place number of location:
-Athens = 00
-Bagdad = 01
-Berlin = 02
-Cairo = 03
-London = 04
-Madrid = 05
- G ? Mexico = 06
-Moscow = 07
-N.Dheli = 08
-N.Orlrans = 09
-N.York = 0A
-Paris = 0B
-San Frans.= 0C
-Vienna = 0E
5) To chance this, enter
a Hexadecimal number of choice
(7F is an unexisted one)
6) Look at 5)
7) Look at 5)
8) Look at 5)
9) Look at 5)
Zero Degree Fighter Combat
These are the cheat codes
for the
game, type them at the console.
ADD-MOB - Add 10 New Enemy
DEMOWRITE - Start Writing DEMO File
DEMOSTOP - Stop Writing DEMO File
DEMOPLAY - Play Demo File
NOHEISENBERG - Add Meson Cannon
TAKETHESTICK - Toggle Au G C + topilot
IMAWUSS - Set Wuss to Mission Complete
IMASISSYCRYBABY - Toggle Success/Fail State
ZEUS-23 - Toggle Autocannon
GO-ME-THE-GHILLIE - Add Camoflauge
WHO-DAT-WHO-DAT-HUH - Add Avionics Package
Zero Tolerance
Docking bay: level 2 - JHJ6rjK*q
Bridge : level 1 - *np6v/L*g
Engineering: level 1 - vD3Ku/)cG
Zeus - Master of Olympus
In the game press [Ctrl][Alt][C] and type in:
Code Result
Delian Treasury - Add 1000 Coins
Ambrosia - Win Scenario
SoundFrags - Unknown Effect
Fireballs from Heaven - Strike a Particular Piece of Ground
with Fireball
Bowvine and Arrows - Towers Shoot Cows Instead of Arrows
Cheese Puff - Dairy Workers Put on Cheese Suits
People upgrade their living quarters according to how
attractive their surroundings are. In essence, an Agora
(don't forget the vendors), fountains, fleece, olive oil,
and plenty of cultural diversions are important for
upgrading a Hut all the way to a Townhouse.
To provide "excellent"
cultural access to the Hero's Hall,
surround the structure with roads as well as things like
Gymnasiums, Theaters, and an Agora. Otherwise you'll only
end up with "g G G ood" access and the hero won't show up.
Fighting an attacking neighbor
is not always your best bet.
If you have weak fortifications and no army, surrender and
pay the tribute. You will lose a lot less that way. After
all, you can always build up your forces later and better
yet attack the enemy.
Check the Panhellenic world
map early on to see with whom you
can trade. Also keep your eye on potential enemies. Prepare
accordingly. For example, If neighboring cities a G re hostile,
invest early in fortifications. Also, if trading city-states
must be reached by sea, then construct piers and trade ships.
Submitted by: rickHH
Zeus - Poseidon Expansion
Press CTRL-ALT-C to bring
up the cheat window and
use these codes:
Fireballs from Heaven
Bowvine and Arrows
Cheese Puff
Delian Treasury
Zeus Pro
Random wrestler (v4.0.5):
Type gk42.
Invincible wrestler (v4.0.5):
Type Geeksoft under a wrestler where it says stable.
To disable, remove "Geeksoft" from under that wrestler's
Press 1-6 to light up respective power up and
press Return to activate it.
Zombie Wars
To use these cheats, you
must enable
the cheat mode:
1. Enter the select difficulty
level screen
2. Press TAB+CRTL
3. Enter the select player screen
During gameplay, type in
these codes
BEAGLE - God Mode
KICKASS - All weapons
GIVEBLOOD - Get blood
RESCUE - Rescue hostages
GETMEOUT - Warp to next level
INFRARED - Display hidden ares
GEEWHIZ - End game scene
Zone 66
To bypass the opening screen trash in Zone 66, start
the game with "GAME.EXE TranIsEvil",
or "ZONE66 -? -? -? TranIsEvil".
Zone Raiders
Hit the F8 or F11 function
key, then type
in the code at any time during game play.
ISITWENTY20 - Reveal all
of automap
ISILETSBAIL - Successfully end mission
ISIJAVANET - Shields/hull maxed out
ISIWHEELS - Xcar available
ISIDRIVE - All other vehicles
ISIMAKEITSO - Access all levels
ISIBEENTHERE - Access secret level
ISIFATPACKED - Weapons/ammo maxed out
ISISLEEP - All enemies asleep
ISIQ - Immortality
ISIWIRES - Sh G ? ' ow grid
Zool 1
Just type STRETLAMP (could
at the options screen and press:
Grey + Next level.
Grey - Previus level.
1 Invulnerability.
2 Life loss.
3 ?
4 Restart level.
Zool 2
Level skip and extra jumping
From the option screen press ESC to get
to the config menu.
Then type the word "phonebook" and press
ESC again. Now while you're playing the
game pressing " 0" will take you to the
next level and pressing "3" will get you
to a bonus stage. Also you will be able
to jump higher with [CTRL]
Press the F10 key when asked
to select
the starting level and you can start at
level 30 instead of level 10.
Submitted by: rickHH
Make sure you keep the rows as orderly as possible,
look to change the first sprite to match the sprites
behind it so you can eliminate multiple sprites and
score big.
Try shooting in a clockwise
sequence, this will keep
any one quadrant from growing too large.
Use power-ups wisely: eliminate the sprites that will
be the hardest to destroy, not just the most sprites.
Be careful no G G t to eliminate
an uncollected power-up
with a power-up.
Don't panic; random firing
will result in a more random
shape order and make a screen harder to clear.
Filling rows of one color
in a vertical order column
give you a bonus of 5,000; horizontally 10,000.
Since these pieces generate in a random order, some
reshaping must occur. Always remember you can change
the color of the piece closest to the center, turning
a line that is not all one color to one that is. G G
Remember, using a Line Bomb
on a full row of one color
doesn't give you the 5,000 or 10,000 point bonus, nor
does a Color Bomb.
When using a special Icon
like the Proximity Bomb, try not to clear other special Icons so you can use
to your advantage as well.
"5 Springs" clear
all the pieces off the board.
When you're about to clear the 5th spring, remember
to wait and let as many pieces fill up the board as
possible so as to gain as many points as possible. G G
The "5 Springs" are also another way to reach the next
level of play when the Zoop counter is low enough.
For those of a faster pace
there are 5 different
difficulty settings. Zooping as fast as possible is O.K.
But gain as many points as possible in the first few rounds,
because you'll be Zooping like mad once you reach the upper
Line Bombs are best used
on those long multi-colored piece
lines. Line Bombs and other special Icons are also good for
grabbi G ng those Springs in the hard to reach places.
When waiting for a full
line of one color, be sure to wait
until the last piece is on the screen. If not, you will
only receive the points for the first four pieces.
Zork - Grand Inquisitor
Listen to the Dungeon Master, and save the game before you
start playing the maze game on the lottery ticket.
One of the game's vital spells, Yastard, can only be gained
if you make the DM a cup of fairly repulsive cocoa.
The ingredients are: fudge, moss of mareilon, honeycomb,
and hungus lard. Naturally, you have to use his food processor
to make it, and you'll have to have something to wa H F . rm it up in.
Zork Nemesis
Easter Egg:
In the asylum, get the hammer from the box in
Sartorius's chambers, then go and click the brain
with the hammer exactly ten times. Then if you
navigate to where you see the hand, you'll see a
picture of one of the programmers.
Type chloe from anywhere in the game, and it will
take you to a library book. Open the book and turn
the page to see "Drew in his natural habitat" (Andrew
Silber, H % one of the programmers).
Type hellosailor anywhere
in the game to see the
history of Zork.
Go to the alchemy lab upstairs
in the castle. Click ten
times on the clay pot located on the table to see a photo
of the design team.
Zork Zero
Submitted by: rickHH
Every time you obtain one of the 24 needed items, your score
will increase by 12 points. There is a character called the
Jester, who will both help and annoy you. He will give you a
funny paper and a slate, both of which contain important
information that may vary from game to game. When he sticks a
clown nose on your face, you must remove it before you suffocate.
When he turns you into an alligator, you will drop all your H s
possessions and be unable to pick up anything until you turn back
a few moves
When you fall from a high
place, just before you hit
the ground, hit ESC, and answer 'no' in the quit menu,
then you will not die
Hold down 'J' and press '1' to '8' for different levels.
Press 'J'+'K' for infinite lives on/off.
Press 'J' and '1' to '3'
on keypad to skip the different
stages on the level.
For Windows95; hold down ctrl or alt while typing tetsuo
For Macintosh; hold down ctrl while typing tetsuo
OXYGEN (give me more life!)
hold down ctrl while typing ack
Hints - learn how to use
that chi punch! To jump,
look down and punch
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
Cheat mode:
Hold [Shift] and press [?] during game play.
Enter one of the following codes in the black
box to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
Gems - gems
All keys - keys
Clear surrounding four squares - zap
Ammunition - ammo
Debug mode on - +debug
Debug mode off H H t - -debug
Full health - health
Gain torches - torches
Darken room - dark
Lighten room - -dark
Hint: Invisible demon:
You must defeat the invisible demon in the Caves
of ZZT, when going to get the key in Hell.
The demon will only stay on the sides of the room.
Hint: Cage area:
You can press the blocks one at a time and not
release animals H t in the cage area after passing
through the castle . However, you will not receive
any points from them.
possessions and be unable to pick up anything until you turn back
a few moves
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
Z - The Game
Enter one of the following
codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Full health - Hold [Ctrl] and type ack
CheatBook-DataBase 2002 v1.0 - http:// www.cheatbook.de